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Embedding Inquiry Approaches into the NSW Curriculum
Apply inquiry-based content, skills and strategies to your integrated programming and develop further with NSW Curriculum.
Limited Time Offer
Episode 1 A
- Background in inquiry and teaching in the classroom.
- Introduction to the modules
- Pre-Assessment
Episode 2 B
- Practical uses of inquiry in the classroom.
- Reflection and Quiz on inquiry approaches.
- Evaluation of course.
Episode 1 B
- Inquiry approaches in the classroom.
- Domains - What is involved in education of the ‘whole’ child?
- SOLO Taxonomy as a model for Inquiry.
Tasks and Reflections
The opportunities to respond, reflect and ask questions via the Community Collaborative Space
Episode 2 A
- An Inquiry timeline - history and philosophy of inquiry approaches in Australia and globally, and your personal connection.
- The NSW policy driving inquiry learning, critical and creative thinking in schools.
- NSW Curriculum, SOLO Taxonomy and Pedagogical Models for inquiry-based learning.
Final assessment
Learning Goals of the course
Sarah Riddoch
Sarah Riddoch has been an Inquiry Teacher for over 30 years. Throughout her career, she has successfully taught inquiry-based learning in numerous primary schools, effectively integrating various learning areas using inquiry techniques.