NESA  accredited
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Embedding Inquiry Approaches into the NSW Curriculum

Apply inquiry based content, skills and strategies to your integrated programming and develop further with NSW Curriculum.
  • Duration:  4.5 hours
  • Delivery:  Self-paced online-on-demand episodes
  • Offer Includes:

  • NESA accredited course
  • Unlimited Twinkl downloads for a year  
  • Access instructions will be sent within 48 hours of purchase.
  • $149

  NESA accredited

Completing Embedding Inquiry Approaches into the NSW Curriculum will contribute 4 hours and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing Standard Descriptors 2.1.2, 3.1.2 & 3.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.


Episode 1 A

  • Pre-assessment
  • Background in inquiry and teaching in the classroom.
  • Introduction to the modules 
  • Pre-Assessment 

Episode 1 B

  • Inquiry approaches in the classroom.
  • Domains - What is involved in education of the ‘whole’ child?
  • SOLO Taxonomy as a model for Inquiry.

Episode 2 A

  • An Inquiry timeline - history and philosophy of inquiry approaches in Australia and globally, and your personal connection.
  • The NSW policy driving inquiry learning, critical and creative thinking in schools.
  • NSW Curriculum, SOLO Taxonomy and Pedagogical Models for inquiry based learning.

Episode 2 B

  • Practical uses of inquiry in the classroom.
  • Reflection and Quiz on inquiry approaches.
  • Course Evaluation.
Tasks and Reflections

The opportunities to respond, reflect and ask questions via the Community Collaborative Space.

Final Assessment

Learning Goals of the Course

  • Make personal connections between Inquiry and the NSW outcomes.

  • Recognise why inquiry based learning is essential in giving
    young children the critical and creative thinking skills they need to solve real-life problems.

  • Acquire the curiosity, confidence, skills and strategies needed to successfully implement inquiry based learning strategies.

  • Apply the inquiry based content, skills and strategies to their own integrated programming and develop further with NSW Curriculum.
  • Apply a range of teaching strategies, including questioning, to involve children in investigating, problem solving, and critical and creative thinking.
  • Integrate HASS, Science and Technologies effectively into their programs and teaching.


Sarah Riddoch

For over 30 years, Sarah Riddoch has excelled as an inquiry teacher. Throughout her career, she has successfully applied inquiry based learning in numerous primary schools, expertly integrating multiple learning areas to improve outcomes for all students.


Rebecca Usherwood

She has worked within the NSW curriculum for over 10 years before making a conscious decision to support all Australian teachers through her work with Twinkl. In her time in education, Rebecca worked in various areas of the classroom and within professional development, ensuring that her teaching team received high-quality PD that enriched students' learning experiences.


What our learners say

Apply inquiry based content, skills and strategies to your integrated programming and develop further with NSW Curriculum.
Very good course. Very informative

 It's a concise, practical course ideal for enhancing student engagement and fostering critical thinking.